The Whole Picture
We need to consider the individual as a whole for optimal health - recognising all four aspects of wellness: yes physical, but also mental, emotional, and internal - not in the wo wo sense, we refer to it as Internal Drivers – those things in life that give us a sense of purpose, motivation and fulfilment.
Each part should be in balance and is responsible for 25% of the whole.
All four sources are critical and none are sufficient on their own. All four dimensions are intertwined and can positively influence the others if they are thriving or negatively influence another dimension if they are depleted or out of balance.
When we built a strong foundation in these four areas we naturally become more resilience and develop our capacity to perform day in and day out.
Google, Facebook, Microsoft - some of the world's most forward thinking organisations recognise and invest in a four dimensional approach for their employees.
To instigate balance, we look at the four dimensions of Self
The Four Dimensions
Complete wellbeing
The truth is, we're simply not built to go, go, go!
Energy can be stimulated or drained, depending on the balance of the four dimensions. It's important to realise that these dimensions are interconnected – for example, it's difficult to maintain focus at work when you are sleep deprived, lacking confidence, or unsure what you're striving for.
Rise & Shine's workshops put the spotlight on all Four Dimensions:
Physical Energy
This dimension is responsible for our everyday oomph. Many of us regularly work long hours without properly restoring our energy levels. This way of working isn’t sustainable, and by pushing ourselves to run on empty we're headed straight for apathy, dissatisfaction and burnout.
To ensure maximum personal effectiveness, our workshops focus on developing daily habits and rituals to replenish our physical energy, through factors such as a balanced diet, stress reduction, exercise, rest and recovery....
Mental Agility
Everything begins in the mind – but many of us aren’t fully aware of its power and potential.
By devising simple strategies to maintain focus, we increase productivity and learn to manage distractions and avoid unproductive multitasking. Through scheduling mindfulness practices into our lives, we foster creativity and encourage individuals to experience a sense of clarity and purpose. Participants also learn strategies to develop a positive perspective and break negative thought patterns.
Emotional Happiness
How we feel has a profound impact on how we perform. When we learn how to make time for the things we value and manage our emotions, we strengthen our emotional security.
It's through this positive relationship with ourselves that we're able to develop confidence and strong, meaningful relationships with those around us, making us better able to successfully deal with the uncomfortable emotions we can experience in our daily lives and be open to growth and change..
Internal Motivation
Knowing where we're headed helps us stay motivated; people report being contented and more enjoyable to be around. However, it's easy to get caught up with urgent priorities and start wondering what the point is, leading to a lack of fulfilment and more serious mental health issues such as depression.
Our workshops provide a forum in which people can reflect on their current direction and take the time to design a life they want to live, then set meaningful, achievable goals that benefit both themselves and your organisation.