When people feel connected the workplace thrives

Culture Crafting

Years of research reveals that positive workplace culture is one of the most important driving factors of business success.

It leads to:

- Higher productivity

- Better employee engagement

- Higher returns

However, many organisations fail to recognise the significant impact that culture has on business success, allowing it to develop unintentionally and by default.

Build your unique culture - by design, rather than leaving it to default.

Bring the team together to collaborate and collectively define and design a culture that supports individual and collective success.

Forward-thinking Kiwi businesses such as Air NZ, Westpac, NZ Rugby, XERO and even Netflix are bringing their teams together to collaborate and collectively define the culture that best supports their success. By being proactive, they are building a culture by design rather than leaving it to chance.

Our Culture Workshops are transforming the way team's work together. As a major bonus, it’s fun, interactive and supports conversations that wouldn't usually take place.

Using a simple card deck, we facilitate structured face to face conversations around workplace culture and employee experience. This workshop drives the team towards developing shared commitments, behaviours and actions that will support their individual and team success.

We work through a process to define success then build a game plan with actions, behaviours and commitment that will help us reach our destination.

During this workshop we will:


Explore how your people want to feel at work, both as individuals and as a collective.

Co-create their ideal team culture using the acclaimed ECD (Emotional Culture Deck)

Define and Design

Design a measurable culture canvas to help the team stay focused and set for success.

Define actions, behaviours and rituals that will reinforce the desired culture going forward

Enable and Empower

Discuss strategies, tools, resources and recommendations that will help build momentum, preserve focus and enable the team to achieve the desired culture 

Find out more about our two most popular options, an offsite, day experience or hosted onsite:

Bring your the team together to foster fun, collaboration, and connection, all while co-creating a vision of a culture that supports individual and business success for 2025 and beyond. 

6-7 HOURS 




Help your people feel more excited about coming to work every day schedule our fun, interactive workshop and co-create a culture that supports you team's success.





The ECD has various applications, including leadership development, change leadership, team check-ins, recruitment, and onboarding, and employee experience. Speak to us today about the various uses of this transformative tool including:

Team Behavioural Profiling Workshop

Much more than a traditional “team building” session, this four hour interactive workshop is designed to help the team better understand their own behavioural tendencies and others' preferences in order to achieve real teamwork & results.

Using the DISC framework (the world's #1 behavioural assessment, taken by millions of people every year and estimated to be in use by 75% of Fortune 500 companies) we will explore this straightforward yet powerful four quadrant framework used to articulate the common ways that all human beings tend to behave and communicate.

Teams are made up of unique individuals with different behavioural and working styles. Learning about our own tendencies and others' preferences is key to achieving real teamwork and results.

What your team will walk away with:

  • Enhanced Understanding of Team Dynamics: Participants gain insights into their own and their colleagues' behavioural preferences, leading to improved communication and collaboration.
  • Improved Conflict Resolution: By understanding different behavioural styles, team members can navigate conflicts more effectively, fostering a more harmonious work environment.
  • Increased Productivity: With a clearer understanding of each person's strengths and areas of improvement, teams can allocate tasks more efficiently and leverage individual skills for better overall performance.
  • Stronger Team Cohesion: Engaging in a DISC workshop promotes trust and empathy among team members, which can strengthen relationships and enhance team moral


Prior to attending the workshop everyone will be asked to complete an online assessment. This will be emailed directly to each person and takes about 20 minutes to complete. a comprehensive report will be given to each person during the workshop which will be the basis of our discussions.


This session is highly interactive and fun. There will be plenty of aha! moments and laughs as we move towards defining your “rules of engagement”. These “rules of engagement” will include how to (and not to) communicate with each other, the potential value of each team member and how to get the most from each other.

DISC is a very versatile tool commonly used in the following functions:

  • Team Collaboration/Effectiveness
  • Leadership Development
  • Communication Effectiveness
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Sales Development
  • Customer Service Training
  • Coaching
  • Engagement/Motivation
  • Conflict Resolution

Recent Testimonials

Deidre Weatherell


"After saying how much I dislike and struggle with confrontation in the workshop I had a confrontational moment with a team member the following week. The tools I learned definitely helped me in this situation even though I was extremely uncomfortable.

Matthew Weatherell

 general manager

I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for the awesome training.

The team have come away buzzing and I feel confident they have some new tools to help them deal with their teams. 

Karen Gwilliam


Everyone had so much fun, so thank you for making it enjoyable as well as interesting, and spooky at times. 

I still can’t get over the accuracy of my report.

Andrew Houwniet


Thank you for running the Disc Workshop, the session was fun and enlightening and the Team really got value out of the day.

Additional Tools and Resources Available



The world's #1 behavioural assessment. Taken by millions of people every year and estimated to be in use by 75% of Fortune 500 companies. DISC is a very simple yet powerful four quadrant framework used to articulate the common ways that all human beings tend to behave and communicate. 

Motivators CPMA


Arguably the most important (and most overlooked) aspect of human personality. The most powerful motivation comes from within — from our core values. Yet, very few people can articulate their own values or are aware that all values can be traced back to half a dozen primary motivators.

Emotional Quotient CPEQA


Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a hot topic in business. EI is considered to be one of the most desirable characteristics to have in an employee or leader. Based on the Goleman model, the TTI EQ provides a simple and user-friendly model for business people to understand and develop EI.